Stephen Hays

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Medical Industrial Complex

“The healers have become the harmers, they’re just pharmaceutical farmers.

What we used to call dealers, We now call doctors.”

-Fat Mike (NOFX), Song Title: Oxy Moronic

Have you read the news recently?

When I read these articles, it makes me think of all the friends, loved ones, classmates, veterans, etc. who have had their lives wrecked by opioid addiction. It makes me feel anger and pain.

In what world is it acceptable for the government to allow drug makers to make something addictive, and push the pills for profit to citizens while showing no concern for how the medications can be abused, acquired, stolen and distributed?

No wonder there is an opioid epidemic in the United States . 130 people die every day in the United States from opioid overdoses. The makers of the medication don’t care. The distributors don’t care. The doctors are paid to not care. The government allows it because the drug companies are paying for political campaigns via lobbyists. Who gets screwed over here? 130 innocent Americans every day. 

What can be done? 

The solution will not come from the corrupt government. The solution will not come from the Medical Industrial Complex. The solution will come from entrepreneurs who find ways to disrupt this dislocated, broken distribution system, and these toxic medications with technology, innovation and revised incentive alignment.

Entrepreneurs will smash the Medical Industrial Complex

I am very keen to find those entrepreneurs and invest in what they are building. This problem can and will be solved. It will not be done without pain. The members of the Medical Industrial Complex will not go down without a fight, but they will go down and we will fund the solutions.